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Modelo de tratamiento de datos RGPDUse of telephone services in the workplace

Por: Ludwig Karneth
Human resourcesPrivatePublicCurrent
This processing model relates to the management of telephone equipment provisioning and maintenance of the telephone fleet, the internal telephone directory and the organization's internal messaging system, as well as the reimbursement of telephony expenses used privately by employees and the control of expenses related to the professional use of telephony services and those related to the private use of telephony services.

Finalidades (6)

La finalidad de un tratamiento es el objetivo principal del uso de los datos personales. Estos datos deben ser recopilados para un propósito bien determinado y legítimo y no deben ser tratados posteriormente de manera incompatible con este objetivo inicial.

Telephone equipment management and maintenance
Internal telephone directory management
Creation, publication and distribution of nominative lists of telephone service users
Technical management of the organization's internal messaging system
Reimbursement of telephone expenses used privately by employees
Reimbursement of telephony services used privately by employees when the private nature of the use of these services is determined by the employees themselves
Controlling expenses linked to the professional use of telephony services
Drawing up and publishing statements relating to the use of telephony services, calculating the cost of this use and drawing up anonymous statistics
Controlling expenditure on private use of telephony services

Datos (1)

El artículo 30 del RGPD exige el registro de las categorías de datos tratados. Se trata aquí de definir las categorías de datos tratados. Estas pueden ser consideradas comunes o sensibles.

Telephone service user identity and service usage

Detalles de los datos

Billing itemsrequerido
Call durationrequerido
Nature of callrequerido
Operator calledrequerido
Telephone service usedrequerido
Called phone numberrequerido
Email addressrequerido
Function requerido
Line numberrequerido
Name and surnamerequerido

Reglas de conservación

Base activa:

1 year running from the due date of the sums owed in payment for the provision of telephony services.

Personas afectadas (1)

Una persona interesada es toda persona cuyos datos son recopilados, retenidos o tratados por el tratamiento de datos en cuestión. Ej: En el marco de un tratamiento de gestión de reclutamiento, cualquier candidato para el puesto en cuestión constituye una persona interesada.

  • Employees

Ludwig Karneth
Ludwig Karneth

Creado el:07/08/2023

Actualizado el:00/01/1970

Licencia: © Creative commons :
Attribution / Pas d'utilisation commerciale
CC-BY-NC AttributionPas d'utilisation commerciale

Número de usos:19

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