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Update 0.9.22: 4 new languages available in the application!

Update 0.9.22: 4 new languages available in the application!
Jérôme de Mercey
Jérôme de Mercey
5 November 2021

The last two weeks have been very busy for our teams, as we have started a very big project: translating the whole application into 4 new languages!

Many pedagogical (tooltips, contextual help, etc.) and ergonomic improvements have also been made.

Dastra is now available in 4 new languages!

For a few months now, we have wanted to make new languages available in Dastra, for our foreign customers, but also for our French customers who have requested them.

Today we are very proud to be able to offer the application in 4 new languages with the objective of always continuing to facilitate collaboration around RGPD issues within organizations.

  • 🖐4 new languages available: say hello to the new version of Dastra in German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch
  • ⚙️Language selector: to make it easier to switch between languages, we've added a language selector that can be quickly accessed from your profile (which you can open by clicking on your avatar at the top right of the app). You can also continue to change the language of the application from your account settings, language tab.

language selector

PS : 🔎 Don't hesitate to tell us about small translation bugs you might encounter when using the new languages

User manager improvement

We have greatly improved the workspace user manager (accessible from the users tab in your workspace settings).

  • 👩 Added a table view: your users are now displayed in a table format. You can customize the table columns to your liking.
  • 👨 Filtering by roles and teams: you can now sort your users by role and team.
  • Advanced filters: you can use advanced filters on your users
  • 💥 Grouped actions: you can perform grouped actions such as adding a role or a team on multiple users at once



As you may have noticed, for some of you, the risks have appeared a few weeks ago. The module is not quite finalized yet. That's why it is still in beta.

We are still working to bring pedagogy and models to it.

If you've already tested it, don't hesitate to give us your feedback via the megaphone!


Dynamic tutorials

We have added dynamic tutorials on some modules (risks, registers and dashboard). We will continue for the other modules.

These tutorials are accessible via the ? icon located on the top right of the page.


Alert for lack of shelf life

We have added a specific icon in the datasets to indicate the status of the retention periods.

If no retention rule (active base field) is filled in, the icon will appear in red.

If a rule is filled in, the icon will appear in green.

The progress index also takes into account the filling of this field.
Indeed, the retention period is mandatory in the register according to article 30 of the RGPD.

Grouped import of users

It is now possible to ask us to create user accounts through a list in CSV format.

In this case, we must go to the megaphone and select the button :

Then you send us the list in CSV format.


Of course, we'll take the time to explain you if needed.

Added processing and document templates

We have added the European Commission's standard clauses for the relationship between controller and processor (in word format!). Go to the Dastra library.

In addition, we are constantly updating our processing library. More than 100 templates are now available including templates on :

  • webinar management
  • management of the health pass
  • corporate governance (statutes, AGMs, etc.)
  • medical research (MR)
  • health


Other treatment models are to come on insurance, banking and other sectors.

Other improvements

  • 📧 Updates highlight: we now make a card appear on your dashboard containing the latest update note. This one disappears after you have viewed it.


  • Addition of the data controller and his DPO** in step 2 (stakeholders) of a data processing for more clarity.


  • Improvement of the PDF export of an audit** with the addition of metadata (model used, object audited, related tasks, respondents and owners of the audit).


  • View of all teams attached to a department under the department in the management of entities and departments. From now on, to assign a team to a department, you have to select the 3 small dots and go to Assign teams.
  • Added a shortcut to create a treatment or a task directly from each page.
  • 🐞❔ Fixed bugs and added many tooltips and contextual helpers thanks to your valuable feedback!

About the author
Jérôme de Mercey
Jérôme de Mercey

Cofondateur de Dastra

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