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Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

In order to cancel your subscription, please contact us adding any information that can help us identify your subscription (company name, etc).

How quickly can the work environment be deployed?

The Dastra work environment is deployed immediately after the creation of the entity.

I work in a large company, is DASTRA adapted to our size?

Yes, we offer subscriptions dedicated to large structures (large and medium-sized companies) composed of several legal entities.

Dastra is particularly well suited for corporate groups, either centralized with a single location for entity management and shared repositories, or decentralized.

Please contact us if you would like to know more information on how Dastra can help your specific organization.

How long does my trial offer last?

The trial offer is for a period of one (1) month. After that, you can contact us directly to extend it if you need it.

Can I host the files in my own environment?


With DASTRA, you can connect yourself your own data hosting solution to host the documents stored in the application. This includes all documents stored in the document management system and documents stored in the rights management system.

You have control over the security of this hosting. The files remain under your control.

Today, we can connect Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage. Other services can be developed on demand, please contact us if you have a question regarding this topic.

Does Dastra comply with the government's General Accessibility Guidelines for French administrations (RGAA)?

Yes, in part !

We have completed a compliance audit of the General Accessibility Guidelines for the Administration (RGAA).

Our cookie choice management widget is fully compliant with the RGAA.

We have made the necessary changes to the source code to comply with accessibility standards.

Thus, the use of the widget and its appropriate configuration will maintain compliance with the standard for the site that hosts the widget.

More information about this standard:

What happens when my subscription expires?

When your subscription expires and without renewing your contract, you will no longer be able to access or modify the information contained in your space. The information is deleted within a reasonable time (maximum 2 months).

Is the data secure with Dastra?

We apply strict security measures to our environment, both at the application and development levels.

We maintain a technical watch and have our solution regularly audited in order to provide the maximum guarantees on the security of the data you entrust to us.

You can find out more on our page dedicated to security.

What features are included in the trial offer?

You have access to all of Dastra's features in the trial package, except for audit and data processing activities exports.

If you want to have a view of the exports, contact us !

How many languages are available in the Dastra tool?

Dastra natively includes 9 languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Greek. Other languages may be implemented in the data subject rights and cookies modules.

What support does Dastra offer?

We offer several ways to help you get started with the software:

  • a ticketing tool integrated in the application (you don't need to create an account on an external platform)
  • a community forum to exchange with other Dastra users
  • a integrated chat
  • a phone number dedicated to customer support (+33 1 76 31 05 47) available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm
  • email support to your Privacy Success Manager

In any case, when you first use the tool, we will assit you in a kick-off meeting (onboarding) to make sure you become autonomous on the application and to help you in your GDPR & privacy compliance!

What resources are available on the platform?

Dastra includes many resources on GDPR and privacy compliance that are freely available. Whether it's practical information on the application of the GDPR, guides from the data protection authorities, guidelines from the EDPS or even an expert watch, you'll find all the resources you need to ensure your privacy compliance.

Can Dastra integrate with my applications?

Yes, the integration of Dastra with another application is generally always possible, provided that the target application has APIs (which many standard applications on the market do).

In theory, it is possible to do it yourself using the Dastra API. Otherwise, building API connectors is the main job of integrators: you just need the human resources to create, maintain and make business decisions about the behavior of synchronizations.

At Dastra, we have partnered with recognized integrators who know Dastra well and are fully capable of handling all connection requests.

If you have a question about integrating Dastra with a particular application, please feel free to contact us.

I don't quite understand the GDPR, is Dastra for me?


We develop Dastra with one main objective: pedagogy!

Dastra is a software intended for data protection professionals (DPOs) but also for the operationnals (accounting, HR, logistics, IT etc.) so, in order for everyone to collaborate and understand what is expected of them, many pieces of information are accessible at any time in the application (for example, tooltips).

A tutorial documentation is also available here.

In addition, we accompany you in getting to grips with the application in an onboarding phase.

Which internet browser should I use?

The solution works from a browser connected to the Internet. An internet connection is required as well as an up-to-date and state-of-the-art browser in terms of security. We recommend using standard browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera...). We do not support Microsoft Internet Explorer.

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