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Create questionnaires

Gather all the necessary information for managing your compliance

Manage all types of questionnaires

Manage all types of questionnaires

Our questionnaire platform allows you to create any type of questionnaire using your own templates: legitimate interests assessments (LIAs), data protection impact assessments (DPIAs), transfer impact assessments (TIAs), data retention analyses, risk assessments, processing analyses, security questionnaires, third-party questionnaires, awareness questionnaires, SAPIN 2 compliance questionnaires, and multi-compliance checks. The possibilities are endless!

Use our pre-designed templates

Dastra offers you a library of expert-designed templates that you can import and customize as you wish.

See our models library

Create your custom questionnaires

You can create your own questionnaire using our drag-and-drop editor. Set up scores, display conditions, suggested tasks, automated analyses, and more!

Link your questionnaires to every Dastra feature

The questionnaire feature is connected to the entire Dastra ecosystem. This means you can link them to specific data processings, risks, subcontractors, and more. Access your questionnaires and their results within each of these features.

Manage all types of questionnaires

Notify participants and collect their responses

Invite all your subcontractors, employees or third parties to complete the questionnaires. Monitor questionnaire progress in real time

Plan your questionnaires

Plan your questionnaires

Once your questionnaire is ready, you can assign one or more individuals to oversee it. Set a deadline to collect responses within your desired timeframe. Send email invitations or generate a unique invitation link for respondents. Personalize your invitation emails using predefined templates or create your own.

Follow clear workflow steps

Let yourself be guided by clear validation steps. Annotate, analyze, or request adjustments before finalizing the questionnaire!

Generate a response with AI

You can also automatically generate responses using the built-in artificial intelligence, saving considerable time for your organization and third parties. This feature supports various use cases, such as generating Data Protection Impact Assessments based on existing data processing and sending pre-filled third-party risk assessment questionnaires to your subcontractors for their review and adjustments.

Track the progress of your questionnaires

Completion rates, scores, response times, pending respondents... With various metrics, you can closely monitor the progress of your campaigns.

Plan your questionnaires

Manage your questionnaires

Analyze the results of your questionnaires and translate them into an action plan

Collect and analyze responses

Collect and analyze responses

As soon as the first responses come in, you can consult, validate, publish, review, export, or archive the questionnaire report. Responses can be viewed as spider charts, tables, or risk matrices.

Turn your questionnaire answers into a remediation plan

Based on the questionnaire responses, a remediation plan will be automatically suggested. Turn this plan into tasks you can assign to any of your collaborators.

Collect and analyze responses

Set up a centralized point of contact for all your contacts with privacy hubs

The privacy hub is a customized webpage that allows your collaborators to access and asnwer your questionnaires independently.

Broaden your audience

Broaden your audience

Integrate your processing, incident, or asset creation questionnaires into a secure and collaborative web portal that you can make available to your entire organization.

Collect and moderate responses

Securely gather data processing project submissions that you can then integrate into your record of processing activities with just a few clicks.

A fully customizable online space

Customize the look of your Privacy Hub: add your logo, tweak the text, choose a background image, and more.

Broaden your audience

Learn how to use Dastra step by step

We have documented the first steps to get started with an example of a fictional use case to give you a quick overview of the power of Dastra features.

Access the documentation

GDPR Audit: Ensure your company's compliance

Data protection has become a major concern for businesses around the world. With the advent of the GDPR in 2018, the European Union strengthened individuals' privacy rights. It has imposed strict requirements on organizations processing personal data.

To ensure compliance, companies must undergo regular GDPR audits.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of auditing and how you can keep your company's data safe.

What is GDPR auditing and why is it necessary?

GDPR auditing is the process of implementing a systematic process for evaluating an organization's data management practices to ensure that they comply with the standards set out in the GDPR.

This regulation requires companies to protect personal data, process it transparently, and keep it only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

The main objective is to check whether companies are adhering to these fundamental principles and to highlight any compliance gaps.

This allows organizations to take corrective action to reduce the risks associated with violating individuals' privacy rights.

How to carry out a GDPR audit ?

1. Identification of personal data

The crucial first step is to identify all the personal data processed by the company. This includes data from customers, employees, and any third parties involved.

2. Assessment of Collection and Processing Practices

The audit then looks at how data is collected, stored, processed, and shared. Companies must prove that they adhere to the principles of data minimization and limited purpose.

3. Implementation of security measures

GDPR audits assess the robustness of the security measures put in place to protect personal data. This includes physical, logical, and organizational security.

4. Audit of Documentation and Policies

Companies must keep accurate records of their data processing activities. The audit reviews documentation to ensure that it is GDPR compliant and that privacy policies are clear and accessible.

7. Data Governance Assessment

The effectiveness of data governance processes is assessed to ensure that there is clear accountability and defined decision-making processes for data protection.

Benefits of GDPR Compliance Audit

1. Risk Reduction

By identifying and remediating vulnerabilities, it helps reduce the risk of data breaches and the resulting financial consequences.

2. Trust Building

GDPR compliance builds trust with customers and partners, demonstrating your commitment to protecting personal data.

3. Preparing for regulatory changes

The GDPR compliance audit helps to stay up-to-date with changes in data protection legislation and adjust practices accordingly.

In conclusion, it is essential to ensure compliance and build trust in an ever-changing digital landscape.

A small step for DPOs, a big step for data protection is free to try, easy to set up, and work seamlessly together.

Free 30 day trial - No credit card required - No commitment

Data processing
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