A small step for DPOs, a big step for data protection
Dastra.eu is free to try, easy to set up, and work seamlessly together.
Free 30 day trial - No credit card required - No commitment
Scan your site, identify all the cookies present, automatically categorize the services by need or not of consent and save time in building your widget.
Create and adapt your cookie consent widget thanks to the many customization options available. Generate the integration code in html or javascript, integrate Google Tag Manager and integrate the modifications in real time.
Set your preferences such as the duration of consent stored by default, keep a record of consents and export the evidence and statistics to protect yourself from the risk.
Directly identify the third-party cookies placed on your site using the Dastra reference database. Generate the integration code in one click from the Dastra interface, publish reports and save time for your webmaster.
Discover our set of features
With a few clicks, Dastra identifies all of the cookies on your site and gives you a good picture, in real time, of the services identified that will have to be associated with your widget. Thanks to the scan tool, you save time in building your widget.
To always simplify your work, Dastra automatically identifies your services, and provides you with a library in order to categorize the cookies on your site as best as possible. Again, you save time in building your widget.
Generate the code to integrate in html and javascript, integrate Google Tag Manager and activate your public key and any design or content change will be integrated in real time on your website.
For legal reasons, you want to keep a record of the consents and be able to identify, by the anonymized ID of the visitor, the cookies that have been consented or not. Thanks to Dastra, export all the proofs of consent as well as the statistics and save them as much as you want to protect yourself from the risk.
With the analytic dashboard, you'll keep sight on your visistors consent rate.
Data protection legal authorities, legal watch, best practices and sectoral or professional benchmarks: the best external resources are available to you from the Dastra application to assist you in making the decision relating to your compliance.
View moreYour organization is specific and the credentials must be just as specific. To meet these dual security and flexibility challenges, Dastra allows you to finely customize access rights and permissions according to teams, departments, entities or users.
View moreSecurity is an integral part of the structure of our SaaS products, our infrastructure and our processes. In addition, Dastra offers SSO and webhook functionality so that you can be sure that your data is protected, as well as an open API.
View moreWe have documented the first steps to get started with an example of a fictional use case to give you a quick overview of the power of Dastra features.
Access the documentationDastra.eu is free to try, easy to set up, and work seamlessly together.
Free 30 day trial - No credit card required - No commitment
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